Unemployment Benefit in The Netherlands

Unemployment Benefit in The Netherlands


Unemployment Benefit in The Netherlands


The unemployment benefit is called WW- uitkering in Dutch. If you work in the Netherlands and have lost your job, you may receive unemployment benefit in the Netherlands. One of the requirements is that you be registered and physically in the Netherlands.


If you have been working in the Netherlands for at least 26 of the last 36 weeks and you will soon be unemployed, you may be entitled to unemployment wages. You can request the salary from 1 week before your first day that you are unemployed.


During the first 2 months you are unemployed, your gross unemployment wages are 75% of your last salary. After that, your profit is 70%. You are entitled to a minimum wage for unemployment for 3 months or more. The exact duration of your unemployment wages depends on your total work history and when you became unemployed. In general, they give you 1 month of unemployment for each full year of work.

If you will soon be unemployed, you can apply for unemployment benefit from 1 week before your first day of unemployment, because at that time your employer will have informed about your situation. After the information is sent, you will be informed if you are entitled to unemployment benefits. You can also apply for unemployment benefits up to 1 week after your last day of work.

You will be asked for the following documents:

  • Your last payslip
  • Your last employment contract
  • Your bank account number.

There is a calculation tool on the UWV page, there you can fill in the data yourself. Based on that data, you will be able to see approximately how much your unemployment benefit is.

Check the following link:


Please note that the calculation tool does not take into account any income you may have in addition to your unemployment benefit.

No, you can only apply for unemployment benefits in the Netherlands if you are registered as a resident and you are physically in the Netherlands. If you return to Spain, you only have to apply for the U1 form in the Netherlands, and then you can apply for unemployment benefit (paro) in Spain.

This document contains the accumulated contribution periods in the Netherlands and is used to calculate unemployment benefits.

  • You are insured against unemployment. This is often the case if you are or were employed by an employer.
  • You have worked for at least 26 weeks in the last 36 weeks before you became unemployed (a week is Monday through Sunday).
  • You worked on average at least 10 hours per week and lost 5 hours or more of your work per week. You will also lose wages for these hours.
  • You have not lost your job through your own fault. If so, sometimes you can still receive unemployment benefits.
  • You are immediately available for paid work.
  • You were sick in the last 36 weeks before you became unemployed, were on maternity leave, or took unpaid leave. Or you were self-employed.
  • You worked on average less than 10 hours a week and lost at least half of this number of hours and the wages for those hours.
  • Your last job lasted less than 26 weeks, but you have worked at least 26 weeks at more jobs in the past 36 weeks. Unless you got unemployed in one of these jobs through your own fault. Or if you had a permanent contract at your previous job and you canceled it for a temporary contract of less than 26 weeks. Then you cannot receive unemployment benefits.

So there are 2 situations:

  • You have received less than 26 weeks of salary after your last unemployment benefit. You can get your old benefit back. You received a letter from us when your unemployment benefit ended. If there is a date by which you can get your old benefit back, it will be stated in this letter. If there is no date on the letter, we will check to see if you can still get your old benefit back.
  • You have received wages for 26 weeks or more after your last unemployment benefit. You will receive a new unemployment benefit and possibly part of your old unemployment benefit.
  • Provide correct information about yourself and your situation.(Click to enlarge)
  • Provide correct information about yourself and your situation.
  • Report changes during your unemployment benefit
  • Actively apply for a suitable job
  • Accept and keep a suitable job
  • Prevent you from being unemployed for a long time
  • Do your tasks in the Werkmap folder and UWV (Employment Office in the Netherlands)
  • Make sure you have a valid ID
  • Come to the appointments at the offices of the UWV (Employment Office in the Netherlands)
  • Participate in the investigation, in case they need any information

If you are temporarily out of work and have very little money to live on, and you are not entitled to another benefit, such as unemployment benefit, then you can apply for welfare benefit at the local council.

If you were born before 1965, then you may be entitled to an IOAW benefit.

It is important that you actively look for work. You must do it from the moment you apply for unemployment benefit. Even if you are still working at the time. But you can also start looking for a job if it is too early to apply for the benefit. You are responsible for looking for your own work. You can find job search tips and resources at www.werk.nl

If you receive unemployment benefits, you fill out your income statement at the end of each month. In this you indicate whether or not you have had any income.

Several weeks may pass between your first day of unemployment and the first time you fill out your Income Statement for unemployment benefits.

They only pay your benefit after they have received your Income Statement. Your benefit will then be credited to your bank account within 14 days.

As a result, it sometimes takes longer before they can make the first payment. Use your own money, or savings, during this period to pay your current bills on time. If that is not possible for you , you can request a single advance. The advance you will receive is less than the unemployment benefit you will receive. This is to prevent you from having to repay an amount later.

What happens to your unemployment benefits now depends on how much you will earn and your monthly unemployment benefits. Your monthly unemployment benefits are indicated in the letter with the decision that you will receive unemployment benefits. The amount you will earn determines if your unemployment benefit will stop or if you will receive an additional benefit. The following situations are possible:


  1. a) You have found a job that will allow you to earn more than 87.5% of your monthly salary from the benefit, so you must notify it as soon as possible.


  1. b) Do you go to work but earn less than 87.5% of your monthly salary? Then you will receive an additional benefit. The unemployment benefit calculation tool if you work when you are receiving the benefit

Check the following link:



  1. c) If you are going to do a short-term job (temporary) or for a variable salary, there are 2 possible situations:

If your income does not exceed 87.5% of your monthly salary from the benefit, you will receive an additional benefit. It does not stop automatically. You may be able to stop the benefit yourself.

If you earn more than 87.5% of your monthly salary from the benefit for 2 consecutive months, we will automatically suspend the benefit. You must inform him as soon as possible that you have found a job.


  1. d) You receive a complementary benefit, such as paid occasional work or help acquaintances by charging them. You do not do this work as an employee and you do not have an employment contract with your acquaintance or client, so you must use the unemployment benefit calculation tool if you work when you are receiving the benefit.

The unemployment benefit calculation tool if you work when you are receiving the benefit


  1. e) If you are starting my own business.

If you start your own business, you may be able to keep part of your unemployment benefits. If you want to start self-employment and partially keep your unemployment benefit, you need prior permission from the UWV for this. You will receive permission from the job adviser if you meet all the conditions.

It is important that you provide correct information about your situation, during your unemployment benefit. You should always report it on time. A change may have consequences for the amount or duration of your benefit. For example, you must report in the event that:

  • you’re sick
  • You go on holiday
  • You go to work (more or less)
  • Do you want to cancel my unemployment benefit?
  • You are pregnant
  • Your personal information has changed
  • My life situation has changed.
  • Any relevant changes

With an unemployment benefit you are entitled to paid holidays and holidays. How many days that is and how much vacation pay you receive depends on your situation. You are entitled to a maximum of 20 vacation days per calendar year. If you reach state retirement age within 1 year, you are entitled to a maximum of 65 days. A calendar year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31.

If you are going on vacation, you must notify us no later than 1 day before the start of your vacation. It doesn’t matter if you go or stay at home. Or that you are going to stay in the Netherlands or in another country. They do not count weekends or holidays as holidays. It is not considered a day trip, like a vacation and you do not need to report it.

You have the options to receive a welfare benefit, an IOW benefit, an IOAW benefit, or a WW supplement through your collective bargaining agreement. The date on which your unemployment benefit ends is indicated in the letter with the decision on your application for unemployment benefit

If your unemployment benefit stops, you should always keep the documents related to your benefit for 2 years. If requested, you are obliged to show us documents. This applies, for example, to payslips, application letters and employment contracts.

But it is advisable to keep the documents surrounding your benefit for a longer time. Even after that 2-year period, the UWV can investigate whether the benefit you are receiving or have received is correct. You must always cooperate with that investigation.

If you quit, you generally will not be able to receive unemployment benefits because you are responsible for your unemployment. Therefore, it is advisable to seek legal advice from a legal aid provider before resigning.


It is the document that contains the accumulated contribution periods in the Netherlands and that is used to calculate unemployment benefits within the European Union.

Your employment history in the Netherlands will be taken into account for the evaluation of your application for the U1 form.

In order to request Form U1, you will be asked for the following documents for faster processing:

  • Copy of your employment contract.
  • Copy of your monthly payroll for the last 3 months.
  • Copy of your employer’s statements (periods worked and reason for dismissal)
  • Copy of your resignation letter (if applicable)

You can request the unemployment benefit (unemployment) in Spain, only if you are a resident of that country and meet the requirements. When collecting unemployment in Spain, in addition to the contributions that the employee has accumulated in Spain, contributions in other countries of the European Union must be taken into account. Remember that before returning to Spain, you must request the U1 form in the Netherlands.

Although the European Public Services always share information about the contributions of workers in each country of the European Union and the SEPE (State Public Employment Service), you can request it from Spain, in practice having the U1 Form greatly simplifies and speeds up the process Application for unemployment benefit.


In order to collect unemployment benefit in Spain, after having worked in the Netherlands, it is necessary that:

  1. a) Keep in mind that you cannot apply for unemployment in Spain directly, without having worked in that country. As an employee you must register with a contract so that you can contribute for unemployment, even for a single day.
  • You will be able to request the unemployment benefit, only when this new contract ends, whether your contract has ended, you have been fired, etc., that is, when you are legally unemployed in Spain.
  • This contract that you take when you return to Spain must be full-time, to avoid receiving only a partial unemployment benefit in the future instead of the full benefit.
  1. b) In addition to the aforementioned, you must meet the general requirements to access the unemployment benefit:
  • Being Spanish or Spanish.
  • Find yourself in legal unemployment status.
  • Register as a job seeker, remain registered or registered while receiving the benefit, prove that you are available to actively seek employment and to accept a suitable placement, as well as fulfill the activity commitment included in the application.
  • Having contributed in Spain for a minimum period of 360 days within the six years prior to the date of emigration, and that these contributions have not been taken into account to access a previous benefit.
  • Not be receiving unemployment benefit in any other State of the European Economic Area or Switzerland.
  • Not having reached the ordinary age required in each case to be entitled to the Spanish retirement pension, unless it could not be accessed due to not reaching the required contribution period.
  • If you receive unemployment benefit abroad and reside in the Netherlands to find work. In this case, you must register with the UWV as a jobseeker. They will inform your Social Security Office that you are looking for work in the Netherlands.
  • When you go to the appointment with the UWV you must bring:

Your BSN number (if you already have it)

Your passport or identity card from a member state of the EU/EEA or Switzerland

  • The U2 form, which you request from the Employment Office from which you receive the benefit. The UWV needs this form to tell your Social Security Office that you are looking for a job in the Netherlands. If your Social Security Office does not send you this form in time to take you to the appointment with the UWV, you can send it later.

Generally, to collect unemployment benefits you must be in the country that pays the benefits. However, under certain conditions, you can go to another European Union country to look for work and continue to receive unemployment benefits from the country where you became unemployed.

You are entitled to receive unemployment benefits in the country where you became unemployed.


a) Stays of up to three months

You can continue to collect unemployment benefit from the last EU country where you worked for a minimum of three months up to a maximum of six months, depending on the institution that pays you the benefit.

But you can only do it if:

  • You are in a situation of total unemployment (not partial or intermittent)
  • You are entitled to receive unemployment benefits in the country where you became unemployed.


Before embarking on a trip, you have to:

  • Have been registered as a job seeker in the employment services of the country where you were unemployed for a minimum of four weeks (there may be exceptions)
  • request a U2 form (former E 303 form) (authorization to export your unemployment benefits) to your national employment service.


When you arrive in the new country, you will have to:

  • Register as a jobseeker with the national employment services within seven days from the date you ceased to be registered with the employment services of the country from which you leave
  • Submit the U2 form (former E 303 form) at registration
  • Accept all the controls that the new country requires of those who apply for unemployment benefits as if it were that country that pays them to you.
b) Stays of more than three months

If you want to stay abroad for more than three months, you will have to request an extension from the national employment service of the country where you became unemployed, this can be extended for a period of three to six months.

Most countries that grant extensions apply clear criteria when evaluating applications. They may ask you, for example:

  • Evidence of all the efforts you have made to find employment during the first three months.
  • Evidence that you have a better chance of finding a job abroad during the extension period.
  • Information about employment opportunities in the labor market of the host country.
  • Ask for the extension as soon as possible. You have to apply before the end of the initial period of three months.
c) Equal treatment

If you are looking for work abroad, you have the same rights as citizens of the host country regarding:

  • access to employment
  • assistance from employment services
  • financial help to find work.