What documents must to have for the Dutch income tax return?
We have listed them below, per category: 1. Individuals a) Personal details Your citizen service number (burgerservicenummer, bsn), if…
Read more...Provisional tax assessment 2024 (Voorlopige Aanslag)
1. About the Invitation Tax authorities (Belastingdienst) estimate in advance, based on your income from two years ago, i.e., the…
Read more...What are the 4 types of income tax forms in The Netherlands and which one corresponds to me?
There are four types of income tax return forms in the Netherlands: M-FORM: This form is used to declare income,…
Read more...Do I need to file Dutch income tax return?
All people who reside in the Netherlands and have some type of income must present the income tax return. …
Read more...What is the benefit of the 30% ruling in the Netherlands and who can apply for it?
1. Can you apply for the 30% ruling benefit if you are going to work in the Netherlands? If you…
Read more...Payroll tax Credit (Loonheffingskorting) and how does it apply if I have more than one job in the Netherlands
A tax credit is a discount on income tax (Inkonstenbelasting) and social insurance contributions (Zorgverzekeringswet). If you work as an…