Income tax return 2022 (Inkomstenbelasting) and tax deductions
It is the tax paid on income received during a fiscal year, which begins on January 1 and ends on…
Read more...Provisional tax assessment 2023 (Voorlopige Aanslag)
The Dutch tax authorities (Belastingdienst) has selected you to pay taxes in advance of the 2022 income tax return. To…
Read more...Tax reforms that will take effect in 2023
Starting from January 2023, some rules in the tax system for workers and entrepreneurs in the Netherlands will change. Income…
Read more...Tax credits (heffingskorting) in The Netherlands and how applied in the income tax return
A tax credit is a discount on income tax (Inkonstenbelasting) and social insurance contributions (Zorgverzekeringswet). This means you pay less…